Thursday, 16 November 2017

genre classnotes - Q1b

What is genre?
The type - categorises what type

Identifying genre 
production techniques (editing, camera angles and movement, structure, filters, effects, sounds)
Narrative structures (linear, non-linear)
Symbolic codes (e.g cowboy hat)
Action codes (body language, hand gestures)

Genre for producers:
gives a pattern for construction, template
established audience- marketing
stars can associate themselves with a particular genre e.g Will Ferrell is known for a certain type of comedy
Fans of genre know the codes, don't have to always try and refer to the genre

Clear channels for marketing and distribution
fans of genre can be persuaded
provides a structure for retail outlets

Steal Neal 
'genre is a repetition with an underlying pattern of variations'
'difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre'

  • twisting the genre to make it more interesting 
Explore two ideas
how have you used overt (obvious) codes, iconography and techniques?
how have you made subtle changes to these genre expectations?

Repitition? Variations?

John Hartley 
"Genres are agents of ideological closure- they limit the meaning- potential of a given text"
Limits what you can be 
"The same text can belong to different genres in different counteries of times." - negative 
Limits what a music video could be - however it creates a framework

John Fiske 
Defines genre as 'attempts to structure some order into the wide range of texts and meanings that circulate in our culture for the convenience of both producers and audiences." - positive

Laura Mulvey 
The male gaze which objectifies women
promote their body aesthetic

Claude- Levi strausse 

Roland barthes 

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